Treatment Overview

Periodontal disease is treated in stages. During the initial stage, our goal is to reduce inflammation, eliminate or reduce the pockets around the teeth that harbor bacteria, and get the gums back to a healthier state. To accomplish this, a simple procedure called Scaling and Root Planing is performed to scrape plaque and other harmful deposits from the surface of the teeth beneath the gumline. This makes it harder for plaque to stick to the teeth. Scaling and root planing is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease before it becomes severe. Daily brushing and flossing are necessary after the scaling and root planing.

Depending on the circumstanances, other therapies and medications that are frequently effective in controlling periodontal disease may be prescribed, along with a home plaque control program. At each appointment, we assess our patients' progress. With a little teamwork, we hope to be able to eliminate the need for surgery later. If simple removal of plaque and tartar from the roots of the teeth does not eliminate the cause or threat of gum disease, there are many other non-surgical and surgical treatment options.

Treatment choices include:

  • Gingival curettage, which removes the inner lining of the gums if they become damaged or infected
  • Splinting, which uses wire to secure loose teeth to one another to make them more stable
  • Gingivectomy , a surgical procedure that removes diseased gum tissue
  • Pocket Reduction (flap surgery)
  • Soft tissue grafts, including: free gingival grafts, which move healthy gum tissue from one part of the mouth to another, and pedical grafts, which shift gums to cover areas where healthy tissue is needed
  • Guided tissue regeneration, which places a special lining between the gums and bone. The lining helps bone grow back and helps the gums reattach to the bone
  • Crown Lengthening
  • Implants
  • Cosmetic Surgery

Contact Us

F. Neal Pylant, D.M.D., P.C.

Scott Lowry, D.M.D.


375 Hawthorne Lane Athens, GA 30606-2153